Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.

Writing Task 2 - Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.

Nội dung bài viết

Ăn quá nhiều đồ ăn nhanh và những ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến sức khỏe đã được các nhà khoa học xác nhận. Một số người tin rằng giáo dục có thể là giải pháp hiệu quả cho vấn đề này, trong khi những người khác tin rằng chỉ giáo dục thôi là chưa đủ. “Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health. Some People Think That This Problem Can Be Solved by Education, While Others Believe That This Education Will Not Work. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.”. Bài viết này từ IELTS Meister sẽ thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm và đưa ra ý kiến ​​​​cá nhân của tôi.

1. Phân Tích Đề Bài

Writing Task 2 - Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.
Writing Task 2 – Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.

Đề bài:

Scientists agree that many people eat too much junk food and it is damaging their health. Some people think that this problem can be solved by education, while others believe that this education will not work.

Dạng câu hỏi:

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Yêu cầu:

Phân tích hai quan điểm: Một bên tin rằng giáo dục có thể giải quyết vấn đề, trong khi bên kia tin rằng chỉ giáo dục thôi thì không đủ để thay đổi hành vi.

Hãy cho biết ý kiến ​​cá nhân của bạn về phương pháp nào hiệu quả hơn.

Từ khóa chính: 

  • Junk food (thức ăn nhanh)
  • Damaging their health (gây hại cho sức khỏe)
  • Education (giáo dục)

2. Cấu Trúc Bài Viết

Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.
Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.

Introduction (Mở bài)

  • Bài viết về vấn đề tiêu thụ đồ ăn nhanh và những ý kiến ​​khác nhau về việc liệu giáo dục có thể giúp giải quyết vấn đề hay không.
  • Lưu ý rằng bài viết này thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm và cung cấp ý kiến ​​cá nhân của bạn.

Body Paragraph 1 (Thân bài 1)

  • Trình bày quan điểm ủng hộ giáo dục là giải pháp hữu hiệu.
  • Giải thích tại sao giáo dục có thể giúp nâng cao nhận thức và thay đổi thói quen.

Body Paragraph 2 (Thân bài 2)

  • Trình bày quan điểm tin rằng chỉ giáo dục thôi thì không đủ để thay đổi hành vi của con người.

Conclusion (Kết bài)

  • Tóm tắt quan điểm đã thảo luận.
  • Hãy bày tỏ quan điểm cá nhân của bạn rằng cần có một cách tiếp cận kết hợp.

3. Bài Mẫu 1

Bài Mẫu - Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.
Bài Mẫu – Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health.

“Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health. Some People Think That This Problem Can Be Solved by Education, While Others Believe That This Education Will Not Work. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.”


The overconsumption of junk food has become a serious health issue, recognized by experts worldwide. While some advocate that education can solve this problem, others argue that education alone will not be effective. This essay will discuss both sides and conclude that a combined approach is required.

Body Paragraph 1

Those who believe in the power of education argue that awareness can lead to behavior change. Schools can play a crucial role by teaching children about the benefits of a balanced diet and the risks associated with junk food. Public health campaigns can target adults, providing information about the long-term consequences of unhealthy eating habits. For instance, awareness initiatives have successfully decreased smoking rates, proving that education can influence people’s choices over time.

Body Paragraph 2

Conversely, opponents claim that education is not enough because the appeal of junk food is deeply embedded in modern society. Fast food is convenient, inexpensive, and widely advertised, which makes it difficult for people to resist, regardless of their knowledge. Additionally, the food industry invests heavily in marketing strategies that overshadow health warnings. Therefore, stricter regulations on junk food advertising and increased accessibility to healthy foods are essential.


While education is important, it cannot completely solve the issue of junk food consumption. A holistic strategy, involving both educational initiatives and regulatory measures, is necessary to promote healthier eating habits and protect public health.

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Bài Mẫu 2

“Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health. Some People Think That This Problem Can Be Solved by Education, While Others Believe That This Education Will Not Work. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.”


It is well-known among scientists that eating excessive amounts of junk food has detrimental effects on health. While some people argue that educational efforts could curb this behavior, others believe that education alone will be ineffective. This essay will explore both viewpoints and provide my own perspective.

Body Paragraph 1

Advocates of education emphasize that knowledge empowers individuals to make informed choices. By incorporating nutritional education into school curriculums and launching public health campaigns, people can learn about the dangers of junk food. Awareness of conditions like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes may motivate people to adopt healthier diets. The success of anti-tobacco campaigns illustrates how education can bring about change in public behavior, and similar tactics could work for unhealthy eating habits.

Body Paragraph 2

However, critics argue that education alone is unlikely to make a significant impact. Many people understand the risks associated with junk food but continue to consume it due to convenience, taste, and the influence of marketing. The affordability and availability of junk food make it a preferable option for busy families and individuals. Moreover, the aggressive advertising of unhealthy food products can overshadow educational messages. Thus, additional measures, such as taxing junk food or subsidizing healthier options, should be considered.


In conclusion, while educational initiatives are essential for raising awareness about healthy eating, they must be part of a broader strategy. Effective policies should address the economic and social factors that contribute to the widespread consumption of junk food. A multifaceted approach will yield better outcomes for public health.

Bài Mẫu 3

“Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health. Some People Think That This Problem Can Be Solved by Education, While Others Believe That This Education Will Not Work. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.”


The negative health impacts of excessive junk food consumption are undeniable, as scientists widely agree. While some believe that educating the public can resolve this issue, others argue that education alone is insufficient. This essay will analyze both perspectives and argue that comprehensive measures are necessary.

Body Paragraph 1

Supporters of education as a solution argue that increased awareness can drive healthier choices. Schools can integrate nutritional education to teach students about the benefits of balanced diets. Public campaigns can also inform people about the dangers of eating too much junk food. For example, educational efforts around the world have led to a reduction in smoking rates, demonstrating that informed citizens can change their habits.

Body Paragraph 2

Nevertheless, some argue that education will not address the root causes of junk food consumption. Despite being aware of the risks, many people still opt for junk food due to its convenience and low cost. The aggressive marketing tactics used by fast-food companies make junk food even more appealing. Additionally, busy lifestyles often leave people with little time to prepare healthy meals. Therefore, stricter regulations on junk food advertising and better access to affordable, nutritious options are necessary.


In summary, while education is a fundamental component in combating junk food consumption, it cannot solve the problem alone. Addressing marketing practices and making healthy food more accessible are equally important. Only through a combination of education and systemic changes can we expect to see a significant improvement in public health.

Tổng Kết

Bài viết mẫu ở trên  cung cấp một lập luận  chắc chắn và nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của cả giáo dục lẫn các biện pháp khác để giải quyết vấn đề tiêu thụ thức ăn nhanh. Một cách tiếp cận tích hợp  mang lại hiệu quả tối đa cho sức khỏe cộng đồng. “Scientists Agree That Many People Eat Too Much Junk Food and It Is Damaging Their Health. Some People Think That This Problem Can Be Solved by Education, While Others Believe That This Education Will Not Work. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.”