In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science. What Are the Reasons for This Trend and Do You Think This Tendency Should Be Changed?

IELTS WRITING TASK 2 - Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science

Nội dung bài viết

Sự phân hóa giới tính trong việc chọn lĩnh vực học tập tại trường học và đại học là một xu hướng phổ biến. Trong khi nữ sinh thường chọn các ngành nghệ thuật, nam sinh lại nghiêng về khoa học. “In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science. What Are the Reasons for This Trend and Do You Think This Tendency Should Be Changed?”. Bài viết này từ IELTS Meister sẽ phân tích những nguyên nhân chính của hiện tượng này và đánh giá liệu xu hướng này có nên thay đổi hay không.

1. Phân Tích Đề Bài

Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science
Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science

Đề bài yêu cầu:

  • Lý do tại sao có sự khác biệt giữa lựa chọn ngành học của nam và nữ.
  • Đánh giá xem liệu xu hướng này có cần thay đổi.

Dạng câu hỏi:

Two-part question.

Từ khóa:

  • Girls
  • Arts
  • Boys
  • Science
  • Reasons
  • Should be changed

2. Cấu Trúc Bài Viết

Introduction (Mở bài)

Giới thiệu xu hướng và đưa ra quan điểm tổng quát.

Body Paragraph 1 (Nguyên nhân của xu hướng này)

  • Ảnh hưởng của xã hội và văn hóa.
  • Định kiến giới trong việc lựa chọn nghề nghiệp.
  • Ví dụ thực tế.

Body Paragraph 2 (Đánh giá liệu xu hướng này có nên thay đổi)

  • Lợi ích của việc duy trì tự do lựa chọn theo sở thích.
  • Những hạn chế nếu xu hướng này không thay đổi.
  • Đề xuất thay đổi tích cực để khuyến khích đa dạng hơn.

Conclusion (Kết bài)

Tóm tắt nguyên nhân và quan điểm cá nhân về việc thay đổi xu hướng này.

3. Bài Mẫu 1

In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science. What Are the Reasons for This Trend and Do You Think This Tendency Should Be Changed?


In educational institutions, it is common to observe that girls are more inclined towards arts-related subjects, while boys gravitate towards science. This trend can be attributed to societal influences and ingrained gender stereotypes. In my opinion, while personal preferences should be respected, encouraging greater diversity in subject choices can yield significant benefits.

Introduction - Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.
Introduction – Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.

Body Paragraph 1

One major reason for this trend is societal expectations and cultural norms. Traditionally, arts-related fields such as literature and design have been associated with feminine qualities like creativity and emotional expression. Meanwhile, science and technology are often viewed as masculine domains requiring logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, family and peer influences play a crucial role in shaping young people’s choices. For instance, a girl who grows up in an environment where women are predominantly teachers or artists may subconsciously follow a similar path.

Body 1
Body 1 – Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.

Body Paragraph 2

While respecting individual interests is important, this tendency should be addressed to promote gender equality and balance in various professions. For instance, a lack of women in science and technology fields can result in fewer role models for young girls, perpetuating the cycle of underrepresentation. Encouraging girls to pursue science and boys to explore arts can break these stereotypes, fostering innovation and creativity across disciplines. Schools can play a pivotal role by offering career counseling and introducing mixed-gender role models in diverse fields.

Body 2
Body 2 – Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.


In conclusion, the preference of girls for arts and boys for science stems largely from societal influences and stereotypes. While personal choices should not be forced, promoting a more balanced representation in subject choices can benefit both individuals and society as a whole.

Conclution – Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.

4. Bài Mẫu 2

In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science. What Are the Reasons for This Trend and Do You Think This Tendency Should Be Changed?


It is widely observed that girls often opt for arts-related subjects, while boys show a preference for science. This phenomenon can be explained by cultural norms and traditional stereotypes. I believe that while respecting personal interests is vital, steps should be taken to minimize the impact of these biases.

Body Paragraph 1

The primary reason behind this trend lies in deeply rooted gender roles. For decades, arts have been associated with femininity and creativity, while science is linked with masculinity and intellectual rigor. Media and education systems often reinforce these perceptions, creating subconscious biases among students. Furthermore, societal expectations often pressure boys to choose more “practical” careers, such as engineering, and girls to select fields perceived as “gentler” or “less competitive.”

Body Paragraph 2

Although individual preferences are crucial, this tendency needs to change to ensure equal opportunities and representation in all fields. A more diverse workforce in science and the arts can lead to broader perspectives and innovation. For example, more women in technology could address gender-specific challenges, while more men in the arts could bring unique viewpoints to creative industries. To achieve this, schools should introduce unbiased career guidance and implement initiatives that expose students to diverse role models from an early age.


In summary, the tendency for girls to choose arts and boys to prefer science is deeply influenced by societal norms. While personal preferences should be honored, reducing gender bias in education can lead to greater diversity and equality in all professions.

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5. Bài Mẫu 3

In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science. What Are the Reasons for This Trend and Do You Think This Tendency Should Be Changed?


The division between girls favoring arts and boys leaning towards science is a trend rooted in societal and cultural factors. While this reflects personal preferences to some extent, I believe encouraging a balance in subject choices is crucial for fostering equality and innovation.

Body Paragraph 1

One reason for this trend is the influence of traditional gender roles. From a young age, girls are often encouraged to pursue activities involving creativity and empathy, aligning with arts-related fields. In contrast, boys are pushed towards science and mathematics, as these are seen as logical and high-status domains. Additionally, the lack of female role models in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) discourages many girls from considering these subjects, while boys face similar challenges in arts-related careers.

Body Paragraph 2

Changing this tendency is essential to promote diversity and break stereotypes. Encouraging young people to explore non-traditional fields can lead to more balanced gender representation, benefiting both individuals and society. For instance, women bring unique perspectives to technology and innovation, while men in the arts can challenge norms and enrich cultural industries. Schools should integrate career workshops and provide exposure to successful professionals from varied backgrounds to inspire students.


In conclusion, the preference for arts among girls and science among boys results from cultural influences and stereotypes. While personal interests should remain central, addressing these biases can lead to a more inclusive and innovative society.

6. Tổng Kết

Ba bài mẫu trên đã phân tích nguyên nhân và hậu quả của xu hướng chọn ngành học theo giới tính trong topic :In Schools and Universities, Girls Tend to Choose Arts, While Boys Like Science.”. Đồng thời, các bài viết đã nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc thay đổi xu hướng này thông qua giáo dục và truyền cảm hứng từ các hình mẫu đa dạng. Điều này không chỉ giúp cân bằng giới trong các lĩnh vực mà còn mang lại lợi ích dài hạn cho xã hội.